Specification of pedagogical usability criteria for the evaluation of online educational resources.

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Gabriel Elías Chanchí G. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0257-1988
Martín Emilio Monroy R. https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4135-3251
Luis Freddy Muñoz S.


Educational resources, E-learning, Pedagogical usability, Usability


With the current increase in the number of applications and resources that are published in different repositories and app stores, usability has become a fundamental attribute to guarantee both end-user productivity and the competitiveness of software development companies in the market. In the case of online educational resources, it is important not only to focus on the pedagogical design of the contents, but also to provide adequate interaction, based on a simple and intuitive interface, which is oriented to a greater number of users. Based on the above, in this article we propose as a contribution, the definition of a set of pedagogical usability criteria to guide the process of design and evaluation of online educational resources, which were classified into three dimensions: navigation, design and content. Based on the proposed criteria, a support tool was developed that can be used to verify the pedagogical usability of educational resources, in order to identify aspects to improve interaction and content. These criteria are intended to support teachers and content designers in improving the resources created in E-Learning environments.

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