Comparative analysis of the teaching-learning model and evaluation of the Human Anatomy of the ear: Review of university books recommended by teachers in southwestern Colombia

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Leonardo Steven García Martinez
Janneth Rocío Zúñiga
Sonia Osorio Toro


University student, Teaching, Learning, Evaluation, Anatomy


This article seeks to analyze and compare the model of teaching, learning and evaluation (E-AEv) presented by university books recommended by teachers from the south west of Colombia in the Human Anatomy of the ear of the Human Macroscopic Anatomy subject. The research was carried out from the descriptive approach by validation of experts, through the analysis and comparison of the preface, the index and chapters related to the anatomy of the ear. The analysis identified a vocabulary from the scientific heritage based on international anatomical terminology. The use of images of isolated organs was evidenced in all the texts analyzed. For student learning, some books present a guide via the internet. As for teaching, it is dissimilar between books; These use different representations to model a structure that is complex to understand and imagine, in addition, it does not pose an evaluation of the fundamental concepts or of the topics presented in anatomy of the ear. In conclusion, the review of these literary works responds to a teaching-learning conception as a quantitative increase of knowledge without including laboratory practices, guiding questions, or content evaluations.

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