Mathematical anxiety and professional profile: Case study of a municipality in the department of Santander (Colombia) in the year 2020.

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Mónica Castellanos
Laura Isabel Vásquez
Jesús Vasquez


Mathematical anxiety, Professional orientation, Professional profile


The objective of this study is to characterize the relationship between mathematical anxiety and the professional profile of a group of high school students in the department of Santander (Colombia) in the year 2020. A cross-sectional investigation was carried out with 121 students from an educational institution that agreed to participate in the study. The following instruments were applied: the Abbreviated Scale of Mathematical Anxiety and the Inventory of Professional Preferences for Young People. The estimation and analysis of the variables associated with the mathematical anxiety of the participants was done using a bivariate logistic regression model with a confidence level of 95% and precision of 5%. According to the results obtained, it is possible to rescue two manifest phenomena: first, the significant association between mathematical anxiety and social personality (p> 0.05), observing that the presence of the former increases the probability of an inclination towards social personality in 62% (95% CI 0.007-0.580). Second, the presence of mathematical anxiety increases the probability of having an entrepreneurial personality by 7 times (high; 95% CI 1.18-7.65).

There is a relationship between math anxiety and the characteristics of the social and entrepreneurial personalities, indicating that those who lean towards the social personality are more likely to present math anxiety, while those who tend towards the entrepreneurial personality are less likely to present said phenomenon.

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