Didactic strategy based on information and communication technologies and gender equity for the development of random thinking in ninth grade students

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Yaritza Liliana Soto Amado
Mawency Vergel Ortega
Henry de Jesús Gallardo Pérez


Randomized thinking, Gender equality, ICTs, Virtual learning object


The purpose of the research work is to analyze the impact of a didactic strategy based on information and communication technologies in the development of random thinking and its association with gender equity in ninth grade students of the La Angelita Rural Educational Center in the municipality of Zulia. In this sense, the work was approached from a quantitative methodology. For the collection of information, a test was applied to recognize the participants’ perceptions of gender. Likewise, the students were evaluated before implementing the pedagogical strategy. Once the intervention was completed, the same test was applied again, in order to verify the impact of the applied strategy. Statistical techniques were used to analyze the information collected, such as the calculation of measures of central tendency and deviation. To present the results, statistical bar charts and box-and-whisker diagrams were constructed. In addition, hypothesis contrast tests were applied, such as the Student’s t-test and the Wilcoxon test. It was possible to conclude that the pedagogical strategy applied produced significant improvements in the development of random thinking. Furthermore, although there is no marked gender discrimination, there are some situations that can be considered as such.

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