Differences in the performance of the construction processes of floor slabs and load-bearing walls using the industrialized construction system
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Building systems, Construction industry, Performance, Structural elements, Single, Family housing
The history of mankind shows the constant development and evolution in all the necessary aspects that allow us to guarantee our survival, construction being one of them. As the human being becomes conscious and acquires the necessary knowledge, he obtains the capacity to be able to safeguard his well-being and that of those around him, through the invention of different types of infrastructures using intelligently the materials at his disposal.
Therefore, thanks to the advancement of technology that we have today and the belief in continuous improvement, different construction methods exist and are used in the construction industry according to the needs of the project. For this case study we will evaluate the construction of floor slabs and load-bearing walls in singlefamily houses in order to determine and analyze the performance obtained in these two structural elements.
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