Categories present in a pedagogical strategy aimed at high school mathematics teachers to promote their role as entrepreneurial leaders

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Fabián Alexander Vergel Angarita
Mawency Vergel Ortega
Luisa Stella Paz Montes


Leader, Entrepreneurship, Strategy


Current societies require professionals with a practical sense, adapted to the realities of the contexts and changes that emerge in social structures, and teaching does not escape this reality, since it is through this action that culture is transmitted and spread. make up the demanding generations. This is why the teacher must assume among his roles the leadership of the functions and within this the entrepreneurial action, from which he can generate new forms of teaching and sustenance among the participants, based on mathematics, since it is the area with the highest incidence in the integral formation of the subjects. To achieve this, the main objective of the research was to generate a pedagogical strategy aimed at high school mathematics teachers to promote their role as entrepreneurial leaders. To achieve this, the typical of a mixed investigation was followed, identifying emerging categories and describing them quantitatively, where the data was obtained from the survey applied to 12 secondary school teachers, who responded to a Likert scale, obtaining the most outstanding results. that the surveyed sample coincided in pointing out the repetition of behaviors where the presence of leadership among teachers is evident, with the promotion of activities for the improvement of the didactic act; however, it is necessary to strengthen the role of entrepreneurial leader of the mathematics teacher to contribute to personal improvement and in favor of institutional training and the teaching of the area as an essential part of the subjects. Motivation, promotion of updating were categories that stand out more in a mathematics teacher with leader characteristics.

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