Incidence of the economic recession in the hotel sector caused by the pandemic.

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Maribel Cárdenas García
Jorge de Jesús Cañizares Arévalo
Luisa Stella Paz Montes


Pandemic, Confinement, Hotels, Economic situation


Since the declaration of the pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO), the country’s economy was strongly affected by the quarantine and the closure of all economic sectors, including the hotel industry, which was one of the most affected. This situation put this sector in check, where it was necessary to somehow reinvent itself and generate strategies so as not to lose its current and potential clients, clients or tourists who regularly came to our city.

The Norte de Santander Department does not escape this reality, and to this is added that the lodging services sector had already been facing problems since 2015 derived from the closure of the border with Venezuela, which was affecting the occupation of the sector, but at the stage pandemic According to data consulted at the Tourist Information Center (CITUR) of the Colombian Ministry of Industry and Commerce and DANE (2020, August), hotel occupancy in Norte de Santander reached 2.1%, strongly affecting the finances of the sector.

In order to know the impact of confinement in said sector, a qualitative research was carried out, with a non-experimental cross-sectional design. The reduction in tourists has weakened the entire tourism chain, especially hotels, which, due to social distancing and biosafety protocols, have seen the rental of rooms and other recreation and leisure sites that they offer decrease enormously.

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