Qualities of a good teacher in the imaginary of students from the skills of the 21st century and ICT
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Qualities of a good teacher, Teacher, 21st century skills, ICT, Social representations
The objective was to find out what qualities a good 21st century teacher should have in the imagination of the students of the Faculty of Business Sciences of the Francisco de Paula Santander University. The research was framed in a qualitative approach of a phenomenological nature. The key informants were 30 students from the Faculty of Business Sciences. For the collection of information, essay writing was used in combination with the narrative method. The results established those good teachers are self-regulated and self-reflective (personal skills) as elements of the ability to learn throughout life, in addition, they demonstrate mastery of the subject, a pleasant and positive attitude that favors student learning. It was concluded that the qualities of the 21st century that good teachers possess are those learning skills together with information and digital literacy to operate, be and occupy themselves in a positive and productive way within a social, pedagogical and environmental context, which includes self-efficacy. , communication, cooperation, collaboration, creativity, critical and analytical thinking, problem solving, metacognition, teamwork and networking, adaptation, motivation, initiative, leadership and flexibility time management, self-confidence and personal networks as characteristics of the educators of the new digital age.
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