Productivity of added value and leadership styles mining. Sector Norte de Santander, Colombia

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Miller Riaño Solano
Henry Orlando Luna Pereira
Julio Alfonso González Mendoza


Value added, Value added productivity, Leadership styles, Mining sector


The productivity of the added value allows the evaluation of the performance, innovation and strategy in the Company, while the style of leadership determines in the organizations its strategic capacity as a factor of growth and development. The objective of this work is to analyze the productivity of added value and leadership styles in the mining sector of the Department of Norte de Santander Colombia. The mining sector is one of the most important in the regional economy, especially due to the generation of employment and the fiscal contributions it provides to the State. The study was carried out under the quantitative paradigm with a descriptive and correlational scope. For the collection of information, two survey-type instruments were applied: one addressed to 13 supervisors, managers and CEOs of the mining companies, and another to 18 workers from the operational core, to identify leadership styles. The main conclusions found indicate that, in the sector, elements of democratic leadership and transformational leadership predominated, where greater productivity and benefits are expected. In addition, a high relationship was found between the productivity of added value and the value added to the economy in the presence of transformational leadership. The result did not allow a definitive conclusion to be drawn on the relationship between value-added productivity and leadership styles.

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