Effect of the equation of state model in the performance calculations of reciprocating compressors in high pressure

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Mawency Vergel Ortega
Carlos Sebastián Gómez Vergel
Esteban Rogelio Gómez Vergel



Compression process consists of increasing the pressure of a fluid (gas or liquid) through the exchange of energy from an external medium, with the aim of having the values required by a process in a plant. This is done to create chemical reactions, stabilize processes, etc. in power generation plants, refineries, petrochemicals, iron and steel, and others. The documentary and descriptive research analyzes the effect of the equation of state model in calculating the performance of high pressure reciprocating compressors. It is concluded that Knowledge of the compression models of real gases allows us to understand their thermodynamic behavior and establish a point of comparison to diagnose the mechanical condition of the equipment.

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