Alternative conceptions about angular momentum and guided work based on computational simulation as a tool to overcome it

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Luis Humberto Martínez Palmeth
María Angelica González Carmona
Andrés Felipe Lázaro Alvarado


Alternative Conceptions, Guided Work, Computational Simulations, Angular Momentum


The main objective of this work is to collect the alternative conceptions presented by fourthyear engineering students about angular momentum. For this, a diagnostic instrument is designed, in the form of a multiple-choice test, which allows extracting the pre-existing alternative conceptions in the students. Then, a pedagogical tool is designed and implemented to support the learning process, with the aim of reducing alternative conceptions. The new tool developed is the implementation of the concept of guided work plus the use of computer and video tools. The results showed that the main alternative conceptions found were angular momentum only exists if there is rotational motion and angular momentum depends on kinetic energy. When applying the intervention, the percentage of students who had alternative conceptions decreased by around 11% and the students’ ability to quantify the phenomenon of angular momentum increased by 30%.

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