Dido and the new princesses in children's

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Johana Cifuentes Alvarez
Lucy Yasmine Gomez Vergel
Jose Ignacio Vilardy Armenta
Nellys Esther Montenegro de la Hoz


Princess, Queen, Aeneid, Virgil, Virtues


This essay will explore how in contemporary children’s literature it is increasingly common to find “new princesses” who, as granddaughters of the legendary Dido, have inherited certain virtues from this queen. To achieve this, a dialogue will be established between what the poet Virgilio tells about Dido in the Aeneid and the characteristics of three princesses of 21st century children’s literature: A Princesa baixinha (2012) by Beatrice Masini; Lisa Muchaprisa (2003) by Martin Auer; and The princess who chose (2000) by Ana María Machado. This development will make it possible to highlight, on the one hand, the importance of Virgil’s work and, on the other, the critical readings that can be made of the literature that girls and boys have access to.

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