Hearing impairment and emerging pedagogies: Challenges and challenges of an education model mediated by digital technologies by digital technologies

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Eduardo Esteban Pérez León https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1925-816X


Hearing impairment, Emerging pedagogies, Digital technologies, Face-to-face education, Virtual education


Education today has faced constant and significant changes, such is the case of the transition experienced, the passage from a face-to-face teaching model to a teaching model mediated by technology and currently with a variant teaching mode given through alternation where the face-to-face and virtuality are intertwined and thus constitutes what is observed today in educational centers. Given this reality, the following general objective arises: to generate pedagogical guidelines to face the challenges of education mediated by digital technologies with emphasis on hearing impairment and emerging pedagogies, research conducted at the Guaimaral Technical Institute in the city of Cúcuta - Norte de Santander - Colombia. The methodology used was framed in the socio-critical paradigm, through the qualitative research approach under the precepts of participatory action research (PAR). The results obtained focused on the implementation of pedagogical guidelines that support the teaching action in the classroom. The conclusion is that emerging pedagogies point to the establishment of new forms and ways of teaching students with hearing impairment and therefore these elements can be visualized in the student performance of each student.

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