Mathematics the art of thinking: Rhizomatic deconstruction in early education
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Mathematics, Art of thinking, Rhizomatic deconstruction, Education, Feelingthinking, Human condition
Mathematics in Initial Education, the first contact of children with science in educational institutions, has been subject in most cases to the understanding of the numerical series and classifications, among other processes. Generally, the number is imposed as an abstraction when the student knows only concretely. Thus, the coloniality and disjunction of the educational process prevents deep metacognitive development, as an intrinsic value of science par excellence. From a complex transmethodology, mathematics is analyzed as the art of thinking in Initial Education and the implications of the crisis of Mathematics Education in the lives of human beings. The rhizomatic journey allows us to review the crisis in the light of categories such as the human condition and feeling-thinking. In the reconstruction we find that mathematics is not only quantity; but quality, criticism, deep thinking that does not reduce thought to just an algorithm; these are only tools, they do not constitute the center and the doing of mathematics in Initial Education; In any case, the students have their own sets of steps, to which the teacher must think of himself as a child in that world; think transversally from the generalized knowledge of being, the qualitative-quantitative-socio-critical, and plural approaches, because at the borders of knowledge they get complex essences to know how the child can feel and think deeply. Feelingthinking as a mathematical way of expressing oneself in light of the student’s emotionality must be provoked to emerge in order to challenge our own praxis.
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