Adaptive behavior and education of pupils with intellectual disability in Maule Region (Chile): An approach to its understanding

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Teresa Núñez Núñez
Delfín Montero Centeno


Adaptive behavior, Intellectual disability, Teaching, Chilean educational system


Adaptive behavior, in spite of being one of the diagnostic criteria of intellectual disability, is little or not at all disseminated in school environments, despite the fact that the content of the concept, which includes skills for daily living, is recognizable in various areas of the ordinary curriculum and in the usual work of teachers. This exploratory research aimed gathering empirical data for approaching the understanding and teaching of adaptive behavior by teachers. For that, three convenience samples of pupils and teachers’ schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities in the Maule Region (Chile) were employed. In the first one (n=359), the Diagnostic Adaptive Behavior Scale-DABS was administered to pupils to create a list of representative items of the construct to be used with the other two samples. With the second sample (n=76), we explored the teachers’ views of the importance of every item through a ranking questionnaire derived of the previous list. In a third step, with another sample of teachers (n=17), we conducted semi-structured interviews, focused on their knowledge of adaptive behavior, their pedagogical practices in this field and their assessment of the national curricular proposals on this matter. Among the main findings. the teachers gave high relevance to adaptive behavior, in its three dimensions, practical conceptual and social -specially this one-, for strengthening independent behavior and participation of schoolchildren with intellectual disability. Most of them addressed the lack of precise guidelines into preschool and primary curriculum and a more intense family cooperation in teaching adaptive skills.

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