Participation as an educable value and a value to be educated in university students: Some data on student participation at the University of Santiago de Compostela

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Tamara Valladares de Vera


Participation, Education, Values, Youth, Civil Society, University


Participation is the tool that allows us to take part in the public affairs of citizens and of a civil society that demands more presence and coresponsibility. The main issue that motivates the elaboration of this work is the verification of the low degree of citizen participation and the evidence of the emergence of new ways of understanding and exercising participation. We are especially interested in the link between education and this issue, based on the premise of its ability to develop in people and in societies values linked to democracy and issues that concern life in common. We focus on the group of university youth, as it is a key stage in the construction of individual identity and the role that they want to play in society. A study has been carried out with the students of the University of Santiago de Compostela, to find out their way of understanding participation and the spheres of its exercise.

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