Professional practice in the career of social communication in the tunas

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Rafael Labrada Díaz


practice, professional, training, student, university


In this research the issue related to job practice, practice and practice of production as it is known to work done by students in communities and workplaces, is to apply the knowledge gained in the classroom Career Social communication to solve various problems in reality. Using the methods and techniques interview, document review, observation, historical and logical analysis and synthesis and the author attempts to analyze the inquiry dissimilar moments being experienced this endeavor, in which not only involved teachers and students of the University but it also attends the effort of a large group of professionals, cadres and workers of state institutions to contribute to the successful accomplishment of the planned program. During the development of the SUMMARY subject, the content of the organizational phase of work practice in which the different tasks is essential to consider to undertake the work and research activities in the interest of states that are described in this report the results expected. The way in which the students have to act in professional practice, based on their rights and duties and the methodology by which students are to be guided to the execution and writing of the results of the study and presentation of the report stated analyzed end and behaviors that assume different values to strengthen and build skills as an expression of the fulfillment of the educational factor and professional development of students and, finally, research ends with the presentation of the findings. Work practice is an important step for the training of professional. 

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