The question of credibility

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Pedro Ortega Ruiz


Education, Ethics, Anthropology, Credibility, Testimony, Experience


The author briefly describes the social context in which educational action is inscribed in today’s society, marked by indifference and social coldness, individualism, the desertion of young generations from public institutions, the loss of influence of the family and the school in the socialization and education of adolescents and young people. It vindicates the need for the educator’s testimony as the only strategy that makes his or her word credible. Ethical experience becomes the privileged form of witnessing what is said or proposed. He advocates an anthropology that turns the other into the referent of ethical conduct, thus distancing himself from the idealistic philosophy that views the human being as detached from experience. His educational proposal is framed in the pedagogy of otherness as a paradigm of pedagogical discourse and educational praxis. 

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