Educational assessment and malpractice

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Susana Herradas Martín


Educational malpractice, Teacher assessment, Teaching competences, Teaching training


When we analyze the “malpractice phenomenon” in different professional fields such as law, medicine, architecture, etc., is clearly defined (Smith, 1992), however, in Education it does not appear in any of the texts of the educational framework described by UNESCO, nor in the 2015 Eurydice report, nor in Spain with the new LOMLOE.

All these institutions defend comprehensive training or formation, based on equity and inclusion. A formation that aspires to not leave anyone behind. But the school dropout data warns us that, nonetheless, the error is out there, although we have not defined it yet. In addition, from the different contextualization, it is admitted the need for teacher training and the lack of well-trained teachers for the complexity of educational work nowadays. (UNESCO, 2016).

Teacher assessment is probably the tool that might help us to improve teacher performance and to detect malpractice in order to eradicate it. It is a first step to open the door to an element of the radical inclusive approach, focused on awareness in education, because malpractice has not been worked in depth, but it is widely admitted that it affects the entire educational field in a transversal way and moreover, is at the root of teaching performance. (Herrán, 2014).

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