The building constructive pedagogy and the formation of the subject in education

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Rosa Martha Gutiérrez R.


Education that educates, Formative action, Recognition of otherness, Affective emotionality


This article raises the need to address the human formation of students as the ultimate goal of education, a formatios that is based on ethical, cognitive and elements the latter as a sensitive element that enables openness, acceptance and recognitions of otherness from property of individuals. For this three sections are addressed in which the reader is introduce to the need for human formation in a plane that transcemds the disciplinary elements construction of knowledge and development of skills to address the emotional, ethical and axiologica, elements of the students and members of the school communitywithin the framework of the Constructive Edfying Pedagogy. In the second section the analysis ofthe human formation category and its implications in the educational field are presented as well as the interpretation of the term from the pedagogical and educational point of view. The document concludes with the presentación of human formation in the field of emotions as a transforming possibility of educational processes from a pedagogical position that transforms the student.

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