School bullying in recreational contexts: Gender differences

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Jacqueline Benavides-Delgado


Gender differences, Bullying, Verbal violence, Physical violence, School context


The study aimed to learn the stories of boys and girls about bullying and harassment that occurs in school playgrounds. The sample consisted of 10 boys and 10 girls in school, aged between 10 and 12 years. A sheet was used that represented a school playground, where children without faces or facial expressions played. The application procedure followed all the ethical parameters, respecting the informed consent of the parents and the assent of the children. The results showed that both boys and girls narrated stories as observers of conflict situations. However, the girls showed greater empathy and solidarity with the victims than the boys, who limited themselves to narrating the events. The results show how both boys and girls are observers of violence at school, but do not intervene, they are passive observers. In none of the narrations it was possible to identify that the children defended the victims. In a few cases, children recount events they have experienced in the first person. The theory shows how observers are essential elements to control and avoid aggression.

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