Design and validation of a forgiveness and selfforgiveness questionnaire in separated co-parenting couples.

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Héctor Andrés Orejarena Silva
Hadder Uriel Acosta Salazar
Queila Yanire Rodríguez Guarín
Raquel Rivera Carvajal


Forgiveness, Self-forgiveness, Couples, Coparenting, Validation, Psychometric instrument


The objective of this study is to develop a selfreport questionnaire that contributes to the exploration of forgiveness and self-forgiveness in separated couples who co-parent. Regarding the methodology, a quantitative study is proposed to validate an instrument. The sample of 190 adults who presented separation of de facto marital union or marriage in the last 10 years; and exercised co-parenting with minor children. Factorial analysis and calculation of Cronbach’s Alpha were performed. As main results, the instrument shows that Cronbach’s Alpha of 0.8877, and the confirmatory factorial analysis carried out with the data of the instrument showed the presence of four dimensions of forgiveness - self-forgiveness, resentment, guilt and tranquility. In conclusion, the instrument reflects a good general internal consistency and for each item, in addition, factors whose questions are consistent with their concepts were identified.

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