Nursing process in an early pregnant adolescent in México

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Selmy Canul Mis
Vanesa Jiménez Arroyo


Nursing, Pregnant


The nursing process is a method that guides the care activity carried out by the nursing professional in the different health care scenarios, obtaining greater results from the organized, systematic work based on the internationally authorized taxonomic classifications. como lo son la taxonomía de la North American Nursing Diagnosis Association International (NANDA-I) para identificar las etiquetas diagnósticas Taxonomías Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) y la Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC). Es necesario hacer mención que este proceso se llevó a cabo de forma individualizada en aun adolescente de edad temprana con el sustento epistémico de la Teoría de Autocuidado de Dorothea E. Orem en virtud de que éste abordaje es integral.

The objective was to carry out a personalized nursing process in an early-age pregnant adolescent supported by the theory of Self-Care.

Methodology the present study was a nursing process built from the assessment of the theory of Self-Care of Dorothea E. Orem considering the basic conditioning factors, the requirements of self-care, health deviation and the requirements of growth and development once this was done, the deductive classification of the data was carried out to determine them in domains and classes. According to the taxonomy of the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association International (NANDA-I) to identify the diagnostic labels, after that the selection of Expected Results/Objectives, Interventions/Activities and Evaluation was carried out based on the Likert Scale of Diana Score according to the Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) taxonomies and the Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC), which are standardized referents of professional nursing language.

Results: 7 priority nursing diagnoses were obtained.

Conclusions: The present nursing care plan may be favorable as a guide to carry out standardized care in this population group.

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