Axiological foundations of medical professional identity: Aspects for debate

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Bárbara Yacqueline Alemán Marichal
Haydeé Acosta Morales


Axiología, Atividade médica, Identidade profissional médica


The philosophical conceptions that underpin medical knowledge from antiquity to the present day include the axiological aspect as a primordial element, product of the social conditioning of Medicine, of the gnoseological specificity of medical activity and of the characteristics of medical practice, which is first and foremost a social relationship between the physician and the patient. In the study of the doctor ́s professional identity, the systematized axiological treatment will allow to place values in their proper place in the Medical Sciences, as the nucleus where the scientific is interrelated: synthesis and integration of knowledge, ethical issues: regulation of relations medico-patientcommunity and cultural-valuing: significance of medical activity for society. Given that this is a topic under discussion, this study proposes a series of elements that allow for a deeper understanding of the axiological interpretation of the issues addressed in view of the need to respond to the problems underlying this relationship, by its imprint on the development of medical professional identity.

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