Ethical Legacy and Circumstance

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Pedro Ortega Ruiz


Ethical legacy, Compassion, Education, Experience, Circumstance


Ethical values are the best legacy that our elders have left us as an inheritance. They are a current of life that generates new life by which the world is endlessly renewed. They are the traces of what we have been and lived in our life journey. Experience tells us that a fair and supportive society cannot be built based only on Reason; the ethics of compassion is indispensable to help us make our own the suffering of others who are in need and vulnerable, to recover the historical human being in all his or her reality. We need a compassionate ethic that favors structures of solidarity and fraternity in society, that overcome the coldness and indifference in the inter-human relations of today’s society. This implies a change from an idealistic anthropology and ethics to another anthropology and ethics that places the human being at the center of reference of ethical conduct. The experience of each subject, his or her concrete life, thus becomes the necessary content of educational action.

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