Teaching practice studies from a documentary approach of didactics

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Gilbert Andres Cruz Rojas https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7391-9462
Diego Garzón Castro
Luis Carlos Arboleda https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0444-1383


Community of practice, Documentational approach to didactic, Teacher education, Teaching practice, Pedagogical resource, Resource systems


We present an analysis of the mathematics teacher’s training from studies carried out in the Mathematical Education Area from Valle University- Colombia, during the period 2010- 2020 in the research line “Practices and information technologies and communication in mathematics education”. In particular, a reflection on the national panorama of teacher training is presented and some reference frameworks are presented to analyze the knowledge of the mathematics teacher from a situated and cognitive perspective. As research methodology, a documentary review is carried out through three moments and in a particular way it is analyzed a set of studies that show the influence that Documentary Approach of Didactics (DDE) has had on local research, with the participation of mathematics teachers. The interest of this academic community is characterized by the professional knowledge of the teacher and the interaction spaces where pedagogical resources are shared, adapted and transformed. To widen, it is presented in more detail a study carried out in a public school, highlighted by the Ministry of National Education of Colombia as one of the most significant research experiences in the classroom. In this study, it is considered that the collective work carried out was important, since the participating teachers were in function of improving the teaching practice through contributions that arose from their professional experience, producing a collaborative learning.

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