Ethics, an indispensable variable in the Man - Machine equation

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Raquel Paul Caballero


Ethics, Education, Innovation, Technology and development


This article analyzes aspects related to the social impact of technological development in relation to equity. Based on this panorama, a set of specialties that will be in high demand in the immediate future and that are related to the application of technological innovations based on artificial intelligence are reflected. Elements associated with the employment impact of work are addressed in our analyses.

In order to promote the inclusion of all actors in the development process, the trends and perspectives of future employability of certain areas and disciplines are considered. From this approach, the need to promote the development of human skills and abilities in order to face the structural changes of development is proposed. To evaluate this behavior, the objective is to understand the role that education develops in the stage of technological transformation, associated with significant participation and the articulation of values as mechanisms for managing tensions.

Based on this recognition, a qualitative research method was used, where the results show that education and training are essential to face the challenges due to the high concentration and competitiveness of the technological profiles of the specialties and professional careers in demand.

Faced with these challenges, education is presented as an opportunity to face the challenge of including diverse and asymmetrically unequal societies. From this framework of action, it promotes the necessary support to guarantee inclusive access to development, reducing in some way the negative impacts of technological disruption. In addition, from this context, the introduction of ethical studies in technological areas related to artificial intelligence is recommended.


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