Solidarity economy and comprehensive rural development in the municipality of Pauna Boyacá. From public policy to peasant cultural policy 2022.

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Carol Paola Quiroga Riaño
Ehiby Tatiana Quiroga Riaño
Emmanuel Bolívar Torres


Economy, Solidarity, Peace, Development


The great opportunities that derive from historical events that attacked rural urban populations in post-conflict areas in the years from 1975 to 1990, especially in the western sub-area of the department of Boyacá, proposes local public policies that make interdisciplinarity between the economy and its social worldview of transcendental development, human geography and its ability to agglomerate agro-industrial productions, manifestations that, from their social patterns, produce comprehensive rural development and, finally, the actions that defend the dignity of all people, imprint on their human rights to carry out demonstrations and social movements that allow the connection as an area in parameters of cultural policy and peasant economy, with the sole purpose of housing social capital and human capital with an impact on all communities, which from the processes articulated to internal conflicts, deserve a new apology of comprehensive development, permeated by tourist, agro-industrial and community rural development contexts.

The academic work will have as an investigative base, a proposal with an interpretative paradigm, articulated to a qualitative approach and with descriptive and ethnographic typologies, where the sociocultural immersion allows the immanence of the phenomena, to produce a proposal of integral rural development, fused with solidarity and peasant economies, derived from proposals towards peace and dignity of all its inhabitants. It is a process that comes from community oral compilations called democracy for peace, SGI 2157 of the year 2017 - 2019, UPTC Tunja - Pauna research direction.

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