Afflictive emotions in distance education in nursing students

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José López Loya
Haydeé Parra Acosta
B. Leticia Moriel Corral
Carmen Olivia Lara Pizarro
Eliazar González Carrillo


Confinement, Distance education, Emotions, Procrastination


Introduction: The educational conditions on the COVID-19 pandemic, motivated the realization of a study with quantitative approach directed to university students of Nursing and Nutritionology of the Autonomous University of Chihuahua. Objective: To analyze the manifestation of emotions, attitudes, and intentions of students in school activities at home. Method: cross-sectional - correlational study with quantitative approach. Was applied a questionnaire to a statistical sample of 466 nursing students of all semesters of their career. This application was by means of a digital form in google form. The information was analyzed by means of descriptive and inferential statistics; through various statistical analyses: descriptive, comparative, and correlational with a significance level of .001-005. The results highlighted that 97% of the students presented stress and 93% despair. The lack of satisfaction in distance education caused an increase in afflictive emotions, 60% showed a desire to abandon their studies and 94% a desire to return to face-to-face education; this was positively related to the desire to live with their classmates. In contrast, procrastination was shown as an effect of afflictive emotions. Conclusions: Dissatisfaction with distance or home-based education derives afflictive emotions as well as attitudes and intentions to drop out and return to school.

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