Mathematics education and citizenship in basic elementary: Experience of a classroom pedagogical project on healthy habits

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Sergio Adrián García Cruz


Education for citizenship, Mathematics education, Pedagogical classroom projects


An innovative experience on the teaching of mathematics in elementary school developed in a Colombian Superior Normal School (ENS) is presented. The experience was carried out by teachers in initial training, primary school teachers and teachers of the subjects: didactics of mathematics and didactics of language, linked to the complementary teacher training program (PFC). The participants design a PPA classroom pedagogical project (Carrillo, 2001) for the teaching of mathematics, with a focus on citizenship (Callejo, 2010). The PPA was oriented towards refection on the importance of having healthy lifestyle habits. 7 class sessions were developed, each one lasting 3 hours, with preschool, frst and second grade students from diferent schools that are part of the ENS. The experience allowed school students to refect on the importance of managing healthy lifestyle habits, while at the same time developing mathematical skills. Some of the activities carried out with the children consisted of surveys on healthy habits, preparation of a recipe, reading of quantitative information on labels of diferent products, geometric patterns in dance sequences, heart rate measurement and emotion roulette.

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Callejo, M., L. (2010). Disfrutar de y luchar por los derechos humanos: las matemáticas también cuentan. En Educación matemática y ciudadanía (pp. 103-128). Barcelona: Graó.

Carrillo, T. (2001). El proyecto pedagógico de aula. Educere, 5(15), 335-344.

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