Language, culture and productivity

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Julio César Arboleda Aparicio


language, culture, productivity


INTERVIEW WITH HUMBERTOMATURANA AND XIMENA DÁVILA: LECRUTY AND EDUCATION IN THE CONTEXT OF REFORM, by María Loreto Mora Olate D Doctorate in Education. Faculty of Education and Humanities. Bio Bio University. Humberto Maturana, biologist and National Science Prize (1994) and Ximena Dávila, epistemologist and counselor in family and organizational relations, visited Chillán in 2014 to hold a meeting with professors from the province of Ñuble, Chile. Maturana, creator of the notion of autopoiesisu organization of the alive, and Dávila, creator of the liberating conversation oriented to the pain and human suffering; Together more than a decade ago, they founded the "Escuela Matríztica", a reflective research center on the human in and from the cultural biology. The interview was held on September 28, 2014, for the space of ninety minutes. The interview was conducted by María Loreto Mora Olate, Master in Education and professor at the Faculty of Education and Humanities of the Universidad del Bío-Bío.

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