Evolution and projection of higher middle education in México
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Higher middle education, Instrumental variables, School dropout
School dropout in higher middle education (EMS) is due to multiple factors, mainly by economic factors. This paper analyzes the evolution of the budget allocated to the EMS in Mexico, as well as enrollment and GDP; Various projections of each of the variables were made. The results show that since the EMS was established as mandatory, the allocated budget has increased considerably annually, but not so the enrollment, at the same time the use of instrumental variables was used. to determine if the enrollment is related to the GDP or budget assigned to the EMS. The main results obtained show that the budget for the EMS has increased considerably and tends to continue rising, but this does not explain or defne the enrollment, on the other hand, GDP follows a similar behavior to the enrollment. In Mexico, an approximate 1% of the annual GDP is destined, encouraging the entrance to study upper secondary, seeing it as an opportunity for growth and development, currently, the designated budget is being used mainly to pay fees, the current government is labeling the budget for direct support to students through scholarships in order to encourage the permanence and satisfactory completion of their studies.
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