Teaching foreign languages remotely during the covid-19 pandemic: Between complexities and opportunities.
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Education, Pandemic, Foreign, Languages
This article is based on the remote teaching experience of two foreign language teachers at the Universidad del Atlántico in Barranquilla, Colombia, during the pandemic. Its objective is to describe the elements that affected the development of L2 classes. In this sense, this work is based on the contributions of Moreno, Bagán and García (2020), Hodges, et. All (2020), Cervantes (2021), among others. Because like the authors of this study, they focused on the analysis of the different complications they had as teachers to adapt their praxis to the remote modality, due to covid 19, suddenly. On the other hand, this qualitative-descriptive work had as preliminary results that the development of the classes was affected by difficulties in accessing technological resources such as computers, cameras, microphones, Internet access, among others. Likewise, these affected the interaction and participation of the students in the videoconferences, development of exercises and evaluated activities. However, the teachers were able to carry out their activities by implementing flexible scheduling, teacher accompaniment and promoting autonomy in their students. It is important to emphasize that this type of situation requires a greater approach from the academy. Above all, because covid 19 forced many changes in the way of teaching.
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