Communication skills in the training of health professionals
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Professional, Training, Skills, Communication, Health
The improvement of pedagogical practices in the training of health professionals constitutes a challenge in the Cuban university. However, methodological inconsistencies are evident for the development of professional pedagogical skills related to communication, which is why reflections are offered on the need to promote the development of communication skills in students aimed at greater integrality as health professionals.
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Aranao, M. (2015). Formative Research and Communicative Competence in Higher Education. Thesis. Malaga University. Spain. Available at: https://dialnet. [Links]
Curbeira, D., Bravo, M.L. & Morales, Y.C. (2019). Training professional skills in higher education. Cuban Journal of Military Medicine, 48(2), 426-440. [ Links ]
Jadán-Solis, P.Y., Zambrano-Rodríguez, A.A., & Becilla-Vera, M.L. (2019). Development of communication skills in students of the Social Communication career. Light, 17(1), 4-12. [Links]
MINEDU. (2001). Communication, is it learned?
- Self-instructive Fascicle. Lime. [ Links
Peiro, Rosario, (2021). Communicative skills.
Pinazo, D., Nos, E., & Agut, S. (2020). Communicate positively or negatively in social activism. Communicate, 28(62), 69-78. [ Links ]
Rojas, M.M. & González, M.E. (2018). Communication skills in the training process of the health professional. Higher Medical Education, 32(3), 236-
243. [ Links ]
Ruiz-Bejarano, A. M., & Alastor, E. (2018). The organization of conferences in the academic classroom: Teaching innovation and university social commitment. Digital Journal of University Teaching Research, 12(1), 176-188. [ Links ]
Tejera Concepción, J.F., & Cardoso Sarduy, M.A. (2015). Treatment of communication skills in the university context. University and Society Magazine, 7 (3), 168-172.[ Links ]
Valenzuela, F.A. (2020). Critical reading, an option for the development of communication skills (Master’s Thesis). Technical University of Ambato. [ Links ]