Contributions of pedagogy, didactics and ICT in the professional training of engineers
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Pedagogy, Didactics, TIC, Engineering training
This article is the product of a doctoral investigation developed around the conceptions that the teachers of the Pascual Bravo University of Medellín, Colombia, have about the practice, whose study problem was focused on pedagogy and didactics as fundamental pillars of the teaching, in order to interpret its implications within the training process of engineering students. For this, the following were established as categorical units: Pedagogy, didactics and ICT, from where a detailed review was deployed around the state of the art of these constructs, which allowed articulating the theoretical-philosophical budget necessary for the development of the study. Thus, the work process was framed in the interpretive paradigm, qualitative approach, through hermeneutics as design. Regarding the sample, 35 engineers with teaching functions belonging to the aforementioned institution were selected, with whom a focus group was formed through the collective interview and the application of a questionnaire-type survey, all of which was analyzed through triangulation. In general, the results highlight to a great extent the importance of pedagogy and didactics with a critical approach in the training of engineers, but at the same time, it was possible to show shortcomings in terms of technological resources, the need for educational references, diatribes as a facilitator and teaching professional, all of this as an epistemic derivation of the research.
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