Diagnosis of intellectual disability. An automation proposal

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Lida Gabriela Jimpikit Cunambe
Washington Eduardo Aguilar Paladines
Bertha Alice Naranjo Sánchez


Intellectual disabilities, Information systems, Software engineering, Automation


A social reality that demands attention is the need for some organizations that work with people with intellectual disabilities to be informed of the cognitive status of their patients. This paper describes the proposal of an intellectual disability detection system based on a disability assessment model to efficiently support the technical and administrative management of associations and federations of people with disabilities. Under a descriptive approach, the system development methodology, the technological architecture, the interfaces of the psychological tests included in the proposal, as well as the elements that contribute to the determination of the IQ are presented. As a result, it was obtained that this proposal for automation of the diagnosis of intellectual disability helps to streamline and facilitate administrative and technical processes with a notable improvement in the times incurred.

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