Learning styles at the Universidad Nacional Agraria de la Selva, academic period 2021
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Learning styles, Active, Reflective, Theoretical and pragmatic learning style
Objective: Identify the predominant learning styles the Universidad Nacional Agraria de la Selva, academic period 2021. Method: The indirect observation method was used, descriptive level, the basic type; whose population was 2781 students and with a sample of 338 from the Universidad Nacional Agraria de la Selva, academic period 2021. The CHAEA questionnaire of Catalina. M was used as an evaluation instrument. Alonso, Domingo J. Gallego and Peter Honey. Results: It was found that 27.5% of students present a pragmatic-reflexive style; on the other hand, we have 26.7% with a pragmatic style and 17.8% with a theoretical-pragmatic learning style. The results by faculties show that the students of the Faculties of Agronomy; Economic and administrative sciences; Accounting sciences; and Renewable Natural Resources are: pragmatic; reflective – pragmatic and theoretical – pragmatic; from the Faculty of Engineering in Food Industries, is: pragmatic; of the Faculties of Engineering in computer science and systems; electrical mechanics are: reflexive – pragmatic and pragmatic; and from the Faculty of Zootechnics, are: pragmatic and reflexive -pragmatic. Conclusion: The predominant style in the students of the Universidad Nacional Agraria de la Selva, is pragmatic.
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