Ethopolitica: Development as politics. A reflection from education and human development
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Development, Education, Society, Ethics, Politics and Human
Ethopolitics: Development as politics, is proposed as a reflection on higher education in Colombia: Tensions between public policy and development, as an expression of the theoretical supports that support the prevailing conception in the educational system in Colombia, where Values, customs and habits that shape our ways of being and thinking are expressed, which presumably are mediated by the ideology and assumptions on which the project of European and Western modernity in general rests.
Consequently, today education is crossed by multiple representations, sociability and ideologies that the researcher must interpret and reveal in the very context of the problems of inquiry and the tension that are produced in the hegemonic discourses that underlie the processes of educational modernization. , expressed in the orientations of the public policy that regulates the matter, ignoring contextual conditions in the historical, social, political and cultural aspects, which are typical of other circumstances and possibilities of the diverse territories of the Colombian country, in this sense, it is necessary to recognize , that there in special particular conditions and territorial specificity, different ways of locating themselves in ethopolitical terms in front of development, society, education and the human are mobilized.
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