The male power in the framework of the feminization of nursing in academia

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Vanesa Jimenez Arroyo
Yesica Yolanda Rangel Flores


Power, Gender, Nursing, University


At present, the importance of equality and equity between men and women has been encouraged in a way, which implies an important reconfiguration in society with respect to the roles that were traditionally assumed derived from the gender condition and in this sense, historically the care was in charge of the monks in the Middle Ages and with the presence of Florence Nigthingale this activity was turned towards women. 

Derived from the above, the nursing profession is traditionally practiced by women, however; in more than 20 years in the Universities of Mexico in their Bachelor’s programs in nursing have ventured into professional practice men and although this is important it is also the fact of analyzing the component of gender as a human reality in the particularly academic context, by virtue of the observed behaviors of women themselves around the empowerment they give to men in decision-making spaces due to this gender characteristic and making invisible the academic preparation and other important components for the development of leadership for the potentiation of the substantive functions of the University.

It is worth mentioning that this review of the literature and reflection derives from a particular context in which the ideological regression of the guild is revealed, implicit in the comfort of femininity as a symbolic construction that makes most women aware of the capacity and right of academic development and research, as well as of assuming positions of leadership and institutional representation based on equity.

Therefore, it is important to formulate proposals to eradicate inequalities and inequities and democratize the power of institutions by recognizing the capacity, professional development and research of men and women in the field of nursing education.

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