Project-based pedagogy as a model for the statistical thought process

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Fredy Jose Quiroz Guzman


Pedagogy, Project, Statistical thinking, Modeling, Teaching and learning


Project-based pedagogy is a way of including students in the search for alternative solutions to the problems and/or phenomena presented in the educational context, but also in the community social sphere, at the same time that it becomes an instrument for the generation and strengthening of statistical thinking. The primary objective of the article is to recognize the importance of the development of pedagogical projects as a mechanism conducive to the strengthening of thinking capacity in the collection of data corresponding to a statistical process, for this purpose we go to the search for documentary theoretical references related to the two topics raised, in this case, pedagogy by projects and statistical thinking. The contributions of the different authors and researchers promote a better approach to the way in which in the educational context the use of this instrument should be encouraged for the development of tense actions to collect and analyze relevant data for the teaching and learning process, According to the referenced documents, the analysis corresponding to the value that in educational institutions has the pedagogy by projects for the students is extracted, the results of the study are also raised based on the texts and documents and, the conclusions about the advantages of using them for the benefit of the student in the performance of school activities.

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