Non-ethical behavior and incidence in dropout and academic performance of regular students of the veterinary medicine subprogram, Unellez, 2023-I

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Doris J. Barrios Aular


Unethical behavior, Desertion, Academic performance


This article is a research advance of an Interinstitutional Macro project, which seeks to analyze unethical behavior and incidence of desertion and academic performance in regular students, of the Veterinary Medicine Subprogram, Microbiology Subproject, of the National Experimental University of Los Llanos Occidentales “ Ezequiel Zamora” period 2023-I. This research is justified by unethical behavior in some teachers, who pass students without abilities and skills, verifiable by empirical diagnostic test in the matter beforehand, which predisposes to desertion and slows down the progress of the subject and due to the responsibility of authorities due to lack of supervision and supervision; students who silence the teacher’s absences, waiting to be approved just for making a report, which they do not defend or dominate. In this sense, the problem is: attitude and intention to develop abilities and skills in Microbiology, in situations of unethical behavior within the classroom. In relation to the methodology, it deals with empirical research, linked to the educational management area, sub-area sustainable development of education; qualitative approach, exploratory level, hermeneutic type; modality by field design; collects data by direct observation and/or interview, builds its own instrument and opinion-type population-sample. Conclusion: The investigation found the genesis of the problem in overlapping acts with a background to approach the teacher for misfits who live in the academy. The strategy makes it clear that having ethical principles and values guarantees the generational change that is before your eyes and not, in years to come!

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