Exploring the reality of knowledge, use and access to menstrual hygiene elements in Bucaramanga: the case of women and menstruating people in a situation of socioeconomic vulnerability
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Menstrual Hygiene Products, Socioeconomic Factors, Women’s Health, Menstruation, Knowledge
The objective of this article is to socialize the results obtained in the characterization of menstruating women and persons in a situation of socioeconomic vulnerability in the municipality of Bucaramanga in order to explore the reality of knowledge, use and access to menstrual hygiene elements. This exercise is based on a mixed research, mainly quantitative to recognize the current state of menstrual management and dignity from the knowledge that the population has about the access and effective use of menstrual hygiene products; but also, to a lesser extent qualitative to describe the barriers in the access to these elements.
The participating population consisted of women and menstruating women living in the following areas of the Municipality of Bucaramanga: Communes 1 and 2 corresponding to the urban area, the three rural areas, human settlements, areas with a high number of people living on the streets, such as the city center, where women live on the streets, informal workers and workers in the municipality’s public marketplaces. We also surveyed adolescent women and menstruating persons linked to institutions that care for minors in the process of restoring their rights, belonging to the System of Adolescent Criminal Responsibility and students of public educational institutions.
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