Research creation in communication – education: imagination as a transformative and communicative power

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Hernán Javier Riveros Solórzano


Research, Creation, Politics, Communication, Education, Epistemology


The purpose of this article is to present the constitutive elements that allow the consolidation of a research - creation proposal in the field of communication - education as a methodological tool to develop critical and analytical processes of diverse contemporary socio-cultural and educational problems from the elaboration of resources, tools and creations in which a dynamic relationship between conceptual, ontological and epistemological aspects is conjugated in order to cement a political character of the creative process as part of the investigative exercise in diverse communicative and educational contexts. For this purpose, the experience accumulated in the Master’s Degree in Communication - Education of the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas is taken as a basis for the systematization of the different stakes built by different students in the last 5 years and, at the same time, the academic and epistemic reflection around the possibilities of making the research-creative practice a political bet in which it becomes feasible to respond to the problems of a changing society like the current one, crossed by challenges such as the digitalization of life, the presence of AI and the disturbing character of the media, educational, social and cultural scenarios. Then, we present the aspects that make up a research-creation proposal and its role to make processes of action and reflection in which creative production is at the same time reflection, dialogue, and transformation of the environments in which research and creation take place as a proposal for a policy of recognition and re-existence.

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