The production of truth in the press: an element of analysis for educational contexts.

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Luz Elena Sáenz Rodríguez


Discourse, Media, Truth, Análisis, Press


This article is concerned with presenting a synthesis of the main findings and theoretical and methodological elements of the doctoral research entitled “Entre la verdad y la ideología”, carried out for the Doctorate in Language and Culture of the Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnología de Colombia. In this sense, it is presented the way in which the problem of the speeches in the press and its relationship with the construction of the truth around an event of vital importance for the history of the nation as is the subject of the peace processes. For this purpose, the approaches of Ricoeur, Gadamer and Arendt were used as fundamental references, as well as a methodological tool based on Critical Discourse Analysis in which, by reviewing figures such as the promise, the mechanism of truth production in the media scenarios was evidenced. Finally, it is proposed, by way of synthesis, the ways in which this type of analytical processes can be taken to educational environments as a necessary tool in times of overabundance of information and need for depth in the analysis to precisely discover the ways in which truth and power intertwine in the space of contemporary networks and media.

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