Cooperative game, educational device for peace and coexistence

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Doris Elena Salazar Hernández
Marleny del Socorro Silva
Rosa Bibiana Giraldo Morales
Giovanni Armando Ortiz Arango


Cooperative game, Pedagogical device, Peace and coexistence


This article, Cooperative game, pedagogical device for peace and coexistence, will serve as an input in the formulation of the formative research Juntanza Poli: cooperative game and transmedia narratives (2023), which has been carried out by the Facultad de Educación Física, Recreación y Deporte and the Facultad de Comunicación Audiovisual del Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid. Its objective is to recognize in the cooperative game a ludic device that promotes actions of peace and coexistence from a reflective perspective. This proposal is approached from qualitative research and its methodology consists of three phases: exploration, field work and construction of meaning from the voices of the participating actors (a teacher, four interns and four graduates, divided into two focal groups). From the perspective of the cooperative game as a pedagogical device, the work of the trainer is essential to lead the student to wonder about his actions, directing him to reflection and awareness, elements that characterize this type of games when implemented as a device towards a culture of peace and coexistence.

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