Self-care behaviors regarding the risk of contracting uterine cancer in women of childbearing age in Mexico
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Self-care, Cáncer
The behavior of self-care is essential in the entire population to avoid the appearance and chronicity of diseases, so there is the challenge of influencing these practices that allow women of childbearing age to make decisions to request information and attention to their health in health units according to their needs to be able to intervene in prevention, promotion and carry out the detection or screening of conventional cytology or better known as Pap smears as well as the detection of papillomavirus. The latter, related to types of oncogenic viruses of which they can be prevented through vaccination determined in the Official Mexican Standards. The objective of the research was to identify self-care behaviors in the face of the risk of contracting uterine cancer in women of childbearing age in Mexico, so the study was quantitative, descriptive and crosssectional in which 320 women of childbearing age who attended a health unit during the period from October to May 2023 participated. The results were obtained from the collection of data from the self-care scale for health where it is highlighted that regarding self-destructive behavior women tend to criticize themselves internally all the time, regarding the lack of tolerance to positive affect, the participants refer not to trust people when they say positive things about their person in such a way that they believe more easily a criticism than a compliment and They neutralize compliments by saying “it’s not that bad.” Regarding the problems to let themselves be helped, the participants refer to keep the problems to themselves and not share them, in terms of the lack of positive activities and not attending to their own needs, the women responded that the things they do should be useful for third parties not for them and finally it is highlighted that women find it difficult to defend their rights and even reproductive rights. The foregoing leads us to redirect the action strategies and / or health policies that are aimed at women of childbearing age in order to improve their self-care behaviors for health from the perspective of gender, self-esteem, as well as sexual and reproductive rights in order to favor positive behaviors of empowerment for their health.
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