Ecuadorian Comprehensive Medical Information System (SIME): Case study
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System, TIC, Health, Medical, Information
The Ecuadorian medical system does not currently have a comprehensive information system, which health personnel can access to view the updated clinical history of patients. In this sense, the case study of the SIIME (Ecuadorian Comprehensive Medical Information System) was carried out in order to determine the scope of an automation process in the health sector. Although this proposal is not new, it provides important information for its analysis, since it allows identifying the advantages that ICTs provide within business management. To achieve the stated objective, a descriptive qualitative methodology was applied that helped analyze technical data from information management systems and their impact on the medical organizational structure. As a result, the description of an engineering process that developed the Ecuadorian Comprehensive Medical Information System that integrated academia, science and society was obtained, in order to find solutions that provide an improvement in the registration of of patients diagnoses, the prevention of diseases and greater administrative efficiency.
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