Oldest hospital in Cuba un active. Historical, architectural and educational review

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Ihosvany Ruiz Hernández
Iraidelys Castro Junco


Architecture, Hospitals, Teaching, Specialization


Introduction: With the economic-cultural and demographic growth of Matanzas between 1818 and 1839, the foundations were laid for the emergence of essential buildings; such was the case of the ‟Santa Isabel” Hospital; inaugurated on July 24, 1838. During the colony, this hospital was used for civil and military purposes, handed over to the US government in August 1899. In the neo-colony, it provided uninterrupted care to the population of Matanzas. With the triumph of the Cuban Revolution, the institution was named in 1962 after the young martyr “José Ramón López Tabrane”. From that moment on, profound and continuous changes took place due to adjustments, extensions and equipment, it then functioned as a general, civil, teaching hospital, until 2016 when its services were merged with the new “Faustino Pérez” Clinical Surgical Teaching Hospital. Objective: To review the oldest active hospital in Cuba, in its architectural, historical and pedagogical characteristics from its foundation to 2016. 

Development and Discussion: Qualitative, descriptive, historical research. Historical research techniques were used such as: documentary analysis, interviews and criticism of the sources. The aspects to be studied were assessed in a general way, the genesis of the ‟Santa Isabel” Hospital and the superior medical teaching in that educational facility are collected, two study periods were established for the pedagogical considerations, showing their characteristics. Conclusions: It is based through historical notes, the history of the hospital, with a pedagogical and formative work of hundreds of health professionals from the Matanzas territory.

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