Teacher´s perception of the professional identity in the higher education

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Rodrigo Bravo-Baeza
Andrea Yuliani Borrero Villada
Jhonny Alberto Gutierrez Pechené
Esnel González-Hernández


Identity, Higher education, Memory, Field, Values, Principles.


The purpose of this study is to address the intricate issue of the construction of professional identity in the higher education, focusing on the perceptions of teachers as fundamental actors in the training of professionals. The research, qualitative in nature, was structured around three essential pillars: perceptions, contributions and prospective vision within the framework of the construction of professional identity. Conducted with eight professors from a university in Cali, Colombia, the instrument used was the interview, designed from three open questions linked to the previously established axes. The teachers highlighted the relevance of identity attributes associated to disciplinary knowledge and ethical principles and professional and institutional values; and they offered an enriching vision that can guide the adaptation of educational programs, ensuring that academic training prepares students to address the changing challenges in their respective fields. The contribution of this research is significant in the holistic understanding of professional identity by highlighting the dynamic interconnection between teaching knowledge, academic, institutional and social training, and the future projection of professionals.

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