Treatment to physical ability fast from the basic gymnastics subject

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Osniel Echevarría Ramírez
Guillermo Houari Mesa Briñas
Yerenis Sarahis Tamayo Rodríguez


Instructional methodological class, Basic gymnastics, Physical culture, Physical capacity, Higher education, Training


Agreement No. 91 of resolution 47/2021 states “The Ministry of Higher Education has the function of regulating, advising and controlling the methodological teaching work carried out by Higher Education institutions attached to other organizations.” That is why Higher Education is committed to the development of the country, to this end it carries out a set of policies to improve the continuous training process of Cuban professionals. This favors the contents of the Basic Gymnastics subject to acquire greater social significance as a necessary resource for the training of the broad-profile Physical Culture professional. These favor the appropriation of a culture and a scientific conception of the world, which allows them an education for life and as well as performing responsibly in any of the spheres of action of the career. Physical Culture has an eminently pedagogical character based on the object of work and the professional’s modes of action. This is put into practice through professional skills that respond to “knowing”, “knowing how to do” and “knowing how to be”, based on the functional analysis of professional practice for competent and responsible performance in accordance with the demands of the employing body and the social demands. Within the fundamental types of teaching-methodological work is the methodological class. Other types or forms of methodological work can be included in those careers whose particularities justify it. These can be used at different organizational levels. However, depending on the level in question, there may be a predominance of certain types of methodological work.

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